sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013

Marinha do Brasil - Navy of Brazil

Nada como ser atualizado com quem mais entende do mar.
Marinha do Brasil
Recebi a minha revista da Marinha do Brasil para ficar em sintonia com o universo aquático.

Nothing like being updated with who else understands the sea.
Navy of Brazil
I received my magazine Navy of Brazil to stay attuned to the aquatic universe.

quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2013

Life at sea...

When I'm in the sea something wonderful happens: you are surrounded by an magic aura that transcends the rational feel. Something unexplainable happens and leaves you speechless. All in one complete world where the sea and our existence raises a joy it hurts the heart and soothes the soul. That's how the old wolves of the sea feel when they're at sea ... or as I say ... and be or not and without thinking, because you're there.

It's beautiful.

The rote...

Ports Map
From Alicante to ...

Sanya is the ninth stopover to be announced for the 2014-15, the second time the city will host the event. The Race will start from its home in Alicante, Spain before visiting Recife in Brazil, going on to the United Arab Emirates capital of Abu Dhabi and then to Sanya. The teams continue on to Auckland, before rounding Cape Horn and reaching Itajaí, the second of two Brazilian stopovers. From there, the route takes the teams north to Newportand across the Atlantic to Lisbon. The Race will finish inGothenburg, Sweden, with the final stopovers, as well as dates and distances, to be announced in the coming weeks.

Why not?

Indeed, what is most important is the passion.

When I'm in the rain, in a storm, the only thing I want is for this to continue. It's beautiful to see the lightning and the wind in our face. Things happen like a movie scene, but it's real. Very real. The clothes are all wet and that makes us believe we can win overcome difficulties, overcome challenges, because we are made of body, soul and spirit. A spirit that moves us toward something bigger, much bigger, for what we believe to be supreme, magnificent and spectacular. I just want to continue, continue to throw me on the sea every time it's need and I know that I'm going to reach my goal, regardless of whether or not to return.

That's it.